I always wanted to have a baksplash in my kitchen but it seemed a bit costly for us at this time and I was desperate for change.
One day it hit me! what if I paint the backsplash on? how would that look?
After some online research I came across this website Sawdust and Embryos they had great ideas and just what I was looking for. Here are some pictures of what I did.
The first 3 pictures are what are kitchen looked like before.
I did like the green walls but it was time for a change.
Here is what I did and what you will need:
white primer
regular painters tape
1/4″ painters tape for tile
acrylic paints of your choice (5-6 colors at best)
1" sponge brushes for each color you choose
protective sealer
and some yoga stretches for those hard to reach places (LOL)
Total cost for all came out to be about $30 (I used coupons at Michaels for the Acrylics.)
That price was definitely more cost effective for me
then few hundred dollars for a real backsplash.
First off I I needed to prime the green and waited a full week before taping.
Once it was all dry and ready I started of with a 1/4″ painters tape from Amazon!
the tape was spaced about .875 inches or 22 mm away.
As you can see I taped it around the ruler for a quick guide.
Then every time I taped the wall I just rested the bottom of the ruler on the small backspalsh and moved the ruler with the tape.
It was hard to tape in places that were hard to reach, especially when the walls met and I had to get under the cabinets to tape. At that time I think I invented some new yoga poses bc it felt like I had to bend in all sorts of directions to get to the wall.
It was a little time consuming but not to bad.
The vertical lines were then placed randomly.
Now it was time to paint.
These were my color choices.
At first I got really scared that everything is blending
and it didn't look as what I imagined it to be.
however, as soon as the tape came off I was in love
I recommend taking the tape off as soon as you are done painting a section,
the longer you wait the bigger chances you have for the paint to peel off.
I choose clear gloss, I wish I would have chosen a semi-gloss maybe?
bc it seemed that the tiles looked to shiny, at least they did to me.
You don't need to sand or reapply,
I sanded just a bit (very lightly) to take that "shininess" away.
This is the finished look.
Now it was time to paint the green walls.
it matched one of the tile colors perfectly.
My second room was painted Dorian Gray also from Sherwin-Williams
Before After

Please let me know what you guys think or if you have any questions or comments.
Thanks for checking out my blog.